Laravel installation on windows part 1
hello world, this article will explain laravel installation on windows ( ex : windows 7 )
- First off all, we need to download and install apache server. We can use XAMPP, WAMPP or manually installation by downloading single apache. In this case we use latest XAMPP that support the php 7 as prequisite on laravel installation document.

2. Install Composer ( if you want laravel and another dependencies with simple way )

3. Windows -> run -> cmd , you will see the cmd.exe. Right click on the icon and choose run as Administrator and go to the xampp>htdocs>project_folder ( note : project folder name is own yours , rename as you wish ). After that you can type "composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel project_folder".

4. Open your browser too see that result, don’t forget to start the apache service.

On browser url bar, write down the link : http://localhost/project_folder/public and you will see the result.